Chapter 402 By the tshe finished, the waiter had filled out his entire notepad and was red in the face. He flipped to a new page and said with gritted teeth, "And what may I get for you?" Chester grinned and pretty much did the sexact thing, only with a different dish.
The waiter pretty much grumbled as he walked away, majorly annoyed by them. Chester let out a hearty laugh as he looked at Nan, awe written all over his face.
"That was impressive," he told her, still laughing. "Not many know exactly how they want their food prepared like that." Nan shrugged, biting back a smile herself, her cheeks feeling oddly warm.
"Habit, I guess," she said softly, staring down at her wine glass. "Thanks for backingup. I was worried he would hatefor the rest of the evening, but now it seems he'll hate us both." Chester laughed again and Nan found herself liking the sound.
"What do you do for work?" Chester suddenly asked.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇtNan's face reddened even more; she was in her 20s and she felt like she hadn't gotten all that far in life. She wasn't a well-known chef like Chester... she felt little in comparison.
"I'm a waitress at the Carter resort," she told him softly, taking another isp of her wine.
"No, shit?" Chester asked, raising his brows. "That explains why you know how you want your food prepared. That's a pretty elegant place. Patrick Carter keeps a tight ship." Nan nodded as she thought about her boss; Delta Carter was a hard ass, but a fair man. He gave Nan the raises she'd asked for over the years and even complimented her skills. He travels a lot and always trusts Nan to keep charge of things while he's gone.
"Patrick is actually a friend of mine," Chester said, his eyes studying Nan. "So, if he ever gives you problems, letknow. I'll kick his ass." Nan bit back another smile.
"He's actually a pretty good boss," she admitted.
He nodded thoughtfully.
"I'm glad to hear that. How long have you worked for him?" "5 years," she admitted sheepishly.
He looked surprised.
"Wow, he doesn't usually keep employees that long..." he said, tilting his head at her. "You must be really special." There was a twinge of jealousy behind his words that Nan noticed, and it made heccheeks burn.
"I wouldn't say that," she said quickly.
Not before long their food was served. The waiter gave them both dismissive looks as he asked them if there was anything more they needed. They asked for more wine and the waiter went off to grab them for them.
Chester laughed as he grabbed his fork.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"He's going to be bitching about us all night," he said with a grin.
Nan snorted without meaning to; her cheeks burned from the sound. th made Chester grin even more; he found that to be the cutest sound he'd ever heard. The waiter soon returned with their wine and then left without another word, making them both suppress laughter as they started to eat their food.
Nan took small bites, noting each of the seasonings she could taste. She was impressed with the use of Tyme, paired with other seasonings that typically wouldn't work together, but in this case, it did.
She had a bad habit of noting the different seasonings in dishes she ate without realizing she was doing it. She didn't even know she was doing out loud until she noticed Chester staring at her with wide eyes. Before he could say anything, he noted someone approaching them behind Nan and his eyes darkened.
"What the fuck..." he whispered.
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