Chapter 98-1 "We would be honoured. I would be honoured. I will do my best to live up to the standard of Beta, we have had two of the best wolves for the role," Jake told us. I smiled.
"I think you will be amazing. It's clear you both are dedicated to the pack and you are brilliant, Jake," I said. "And I will be here to hand things over to you." Finlay placed a kiss on the back of my hand.
"I'm happy you accepted. We will need a day or two for Amie to clear out the office and you have earned stoff. But we expect you to be ready to join in any meeting of the top tier starting today. I will announce it to the pack at lunch," he said.
"Yes, Alpha." We let them get on with their day. They had a lot to talk about and they needed to tell their children as well.
"So. What is up next on that list of yours?" Finlay asked.
"Speaking to my parents. Elder and Becky won't be hfor another couple of days, but I don't want to wait." "We can do it here, or we can do it at home." "At home, on the porch. I will make us slemonade," I said.
"You have the best ideas," he told me.
You seem excited," I remarked as we were walking back to our house, hand in hand, with a pitcher of lemonade I had made in the pack kitchen as we still hadn't had tto shop and our fridge was empty.
"I like your parents. I enjoy talking to them and they always makefeel like I'm part of the family. It's nice." He can be so adorable, I thought as he got glasses while I got comfortable on the couch out back. I sent a text to my parents asking if it was okay to call. They answered almost straight away we could call when we were ready. Finlay poured the lemonade and sat down next towith his arm around me. I called my dad and he and my mom showed up on my screen.
"Hi," both Finlay and I said at the stime. My parents' smiles grew bigger.
"Hello you two, did you make it back safely?" my mom asked.
"Yes, it was an uneventful trip," Finlay told her.
"And the pack?” she wanted to know. I laughed.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt"They got a nice surprise. I think they have received the news well," said.
"Don't listen to her," Finlay objected. "The pack is ecstatic." I elbowed him as my parents laughed.
"Have a look at this mom," I said as a way to distract her and let the camera show the garden, the wildflower covered meadow beyond it, the creek and the woods.
Oh my. That is an amazing garden," I heard her say. I put the camera back on us.
"Ready to talk about what happened on your last day at the game?" my dad asked.
"How much has Elder told you?" I asked.
"Not much. Just enough to let us know James did something which could have ended badly, but thanks to Finlay and you, disaster was avoided," he told us.
1/2 Chapter 98-1 Do you want to tell them?' Finlay asked in a mindlink.
"No, you go ahead. And don't try to lessen it. Elder will end up telling them everything,' I told him. Finlay kissed my hair and told my parents everything. I watched my parents pale and my father's face took on a hard look. Again, I got a feeling I was making their lives harder. It was as I was thrown back ten years in time. Finlay had finished his story and we let my parents take it all in.
'Stop it, Red. This is not your fault. You are not the one who caused his and I will not let you feel guilty because of it,' he said in a mindlink.
'I will try.' 'You will not try, you will do.' I smiled.
'Yes, Alpha.' "That is not what I was expecting, or hoping, to hear How he could do something like it. Even thinking of coming between a true mated and marked pair," my dad said. His voice made it clear how offended he was by the thought.
"Are you okay, Finlay?" my mom asked.
"I'm fine, all healed and it doesn't look like there will be much of a scar," he answered.
Chapter Comments 13 POST COMMENT NOW 2/2 Gof Destiny Chapter 98-2 "We are grateful for your leniency. We all know the punishment for the offence and our pack would have suffered. As a member of the Eagle Forest pack, I appreciate what you did. As your dad, 1 wish you had reported everything to the council and let the man who hurt you and then hurt your mate, face his crimes.” We all looked at him.
"Someone is grumpy today,"/my mom said and kissed my dad.
"We are far enough apart/for us to feel safe; it won't happen again," inlay said. Both my parents nodded. "Have you given any thought to receiving a call from the others?" my mom asked.
had "Are they still interested in talking even though I rejected James?" I asked. I had thought their will to talk tohad stemmed frompotentially being their Luna.
"Of course they do. They just want to see how you are," my mom said.
"But you don't need to, pumpkin," my dad added. My mom nodded in agreement.
"I would like to do it, as long as Finn can be there as well,” I said. I wanted him there as he madefeel safe, and I knew he would never lettake a call like it without him.
"I don't think anyone will object to that," my dad said.
"And we will be there as well," my mom told me.
"That is a given," my dad agreed.
"Then you can set it up. We will be a little busy the coming days with celebrating our rank,moving, the new Beta settling in..." "And the mating ceremony," Finlay added.
"And that," I added. My mom and I shared a look. She didn't need to tellhow much she wished she could be present for my mating ceremony.
"We will wait for a week or so," my dad told me.
"Sounds good,” I said. We continued talking for another half hour. We managed to stay on topics which were happier. When we said goodbye and hung up, I relaxed into Finlay.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"I really like these calls with your family," he said as he watchedplay with his fingers.
"Good. They have now adopted you, so you won't get rid of them." "I'm more than happy to keep them. As long as your dad doesn't start callingpumpkin." I laughed.
"That's my nickname, I will fight you for it," I told him. We both laughed. "Tfor lunch?" I asked.
"Yeah. It's nice to get back to the usual routines. It was nice having the meals in a small group, but it will be even better to have them in the m pack's dining hall again. I could only agree. We sat down at our usual table and watched as the dining room filled with the pack. More people than usual were eating at the pack house. Everyone was in a celebratory mood. Just before the food was to be served, Finlay and I stood up and the pack fell silent.
"Since Amie is now my Luna," Finlay started, he put his arm aroundand the pack cheered. "She can't also be the Beta Not even Beta. Not even she is capable of doing everything." He kissed my temple. "We will have a new Beta. It givesthe greatest pleasure to tell you 1/2 Chapter 98-2
that both Jake and Shelly have accepted the position and will be starting with effect immediately." Howling and cheering was heard as the pack merged onto the new Beta couple to congratulate them. It was clear how popular Jake was in the pack and how much they trusted him. It felt like we had made the right decision. We enjoyed lunch with the pack and then Finlay helpedpack up my former office and bring my personal things over to our office. Before we knew it we were in the middle of a party. The ones working in the kitchen had made dinner into the celebration we had requested. Everyone's favourite food, three types of desert, music, laughter and an occasional song. The pups reenacted the tales from the games. The teenagers who weren't all the way grown up were looking at the younger ones who played. It was easy to see they wanted to join in, but thought it was beneath them. Cadence and Jon were in that group. I could have sworn, they had grown inches since I saw them last. Finlay and I danced and made rounds to talk to the pack. A little after seven, Medow and Matilda took my hands.
"We are off for a girls night packing and gossiping. Shelly is getting ood and drink," Medow said. I giggled.
"Really?" Finlay asked.
"We won't survive, and what will then happen to Martina?" Sam tried.
"It's okay. Jake will care for her when you two perish," "Shelly said as she cwalking with a picnic basket. Jake followed her with Rose in his arms.
"I don't know, I think I won't make it either,” he objected.
"Men!" both Medow and Shelly stated and rolled their eyes.
"You will do fine," I told Finlay and kissed him. "I'll be hwhen we are done, be brave and endure." "If you're not hby midnight, I'll cand get you," he said.
"I'm not making any promises. I have collected quite a few things." I was true. It wouldn't be as few boxes as I had when I moved to the pack. I had put down roots.
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