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Game of Destiny – A Thrilling Tale of Power, Love & Fate

Chapter 24
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Gof Destiny Chapter 24-1 The day I woke up and found the ground covered in the first snow, felt like a giddy pup. I stood forever in front of the windows in my room and looked out over the white landscape. I had always loved snow, and I preferred the cold of winter to the heat of summer. The scent of snow had been in the air for days and I had been talking to would take them sledding. There was a good slope for it in the wood the pupseveral of the pups in the pack and promised I told me. We were in luck, as it was Saturday there was no school or work, 1 mindlinked with the pups' parents we getting ready. They had no objections totaking the pups out for sfun in the snow. I rushed down to the kitchen and packed a big backpack full of hot chocolate, sandwiches, fruit and sblankets. I ate breakfast as I packed the backpack. Once I was done I headed outside to wait for the pups. It didn't take long until Cadence and his best friend, Jon, joined me. Soon, Sam's two nieces and four other pups had joined our little group.

"Who is ready for a fun tin the snow?" I asked.

"We are!" the pups called out as one. Everyone had their own sled with them. I had the food and we all were excited as we started our walk. The pups had been right, the hill was perfect for sledding, and the pups ran up and sled down in an endless circle. Sof the younger pups askedto ride with them, which I was more than happy to do. We took a break and had slunch. We spread the blankets over sfallen trees and had the sandwiches and hot chocolate. While Cadence and Jon helpedpack the blankets and mugs back into the backpack, the others had started to build snowmen. We all spent an hour building snowmen and doing snow angels. I sneaked off behind strees and changed into my wolf. I jumped out and started chasing them around in the snow. The pups screamed and laughed as they tried to turn the tables and chase after me. We were in the middle of tumbling around in the snow when I heard a chuckle. We all turned towards the sound and saw Finlay standing, looking at us.

"So this is where you have been," he said.

Alpha!" the pups all announced and then rushed over to him to tell him all about what we had been doing. I just sat, in my wolf form, and watched.

'We need to have a meeting,' Finlay mindlinkedas he listened to the pups. I knew him well enough by now to know that despite his happy face and relaxed body stance, this was something serious! 'Party pooper,' I linked back as I headed to where my clothes were. When I had changed back into my human form and dressed, I returned to see Finlay had organised the pups for the walk back and picked up the backpack. We all walked back together, it started to snow. Big flakes fell and turned the world into an even more magical place. Finlay and I watched as the pups tried to catch the snow on their tongues. When we got back to the village, we found the parents waiting for us outside the pack house. Finlay must have mindlinked them. They all thankedfor entertaining their pups in the morning. I told them it was my pleasure.

"You looked like a pup," Finlay remarked when we were alone, heading for the meeting room.

"I feel like one in the snow. That's why I like to entertain pups on snow days like this. It givesa good excuse to act like one." "It's not often I see you so relaxed, red. I think the snow does you good. But maybe put a hat on," he toldand brushed snow from my head.

2 "Hey, watch the hair,” I said. More out of habit than because I was upset. He just smiled. As we walked into the meeting room, the others were already there.

"You found her," Medow said with a smile.

"I did," Finlay agreed.

"You could have just mindlinked me, you know," I told them as I took my seat after taking off my jacket.

"And miss the opportunity to see you tumble around the snow with the pups? I don't think so, red." We all settled down and everyone turned their attention to Finlay, we knew he had something important to tell us.

1/2 Gof Destiny Chapter 24-2 "I received a call from Alpha Jackson of the Rolling Hills pack this morning," he told us. We all nodded. "They are not an ally. What do you know about them?" he asked.

"They are a mid-tier pack," Martin said.

"We don't share any allies with them, so we haven't interacted with hem," Sam added.

"I know my old pack did strade with them. But I don't know any details," Medow told us.

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"They were too low rank for my old pack to consider a friendship with them. I have heard their old Alpha was a strong leader and the pack had a higher rank when he was Alpha. I think the current Alpha is his nephew or something like that. As I heard from my dad, he isn't as strong of an Alpha as the former and they had dropped in rank because of it. I think they lost sallies as well," I said. Finlay nodded. We all wanted to know why the Alpha had reached out to Finlay, but no one asked. If Finlay wanted us to know, he would tell us.

"Alpha Jackson madean offer. He said he knew that with us being unranked, we were vulnerable. He said he had a stable pack with a good reputation and he offered us to join them," Finlay informed us. We all looked at him for a moment, trying to take in the information.

"They want us to join them?" Martin asked.

"As in; we merge with them and their Alpha becomes our Alpha?" Sam asked. I felt both myself and my wolf object to the thought.

"Yes," Finlay said. "I know it feels strange to consider, but if it will keep the pack safe, we should at least discuss it." I looked at Medow and I knew she was thinking the sthing I was.

"This doesn't feel right," she said.

"I agree. Something is missing. Did they ask for something in return for their generosity?" I asked. Finlay gave us a grin that wasn't happy.

"Yes, your instincts are correct. If we accept their offer, they expect us to hand over all pack assets, including the land, to them." "Hell no!" Martin called out.

"I'm with him," I told Finlay.

"I don't like this at all," Sam said.

"I'm with the rest of you," Medow told us.

"I'm happy I and the pack have your loyalty. But, as I said, we need to talk about it before we refuse it," Finlay insisted.

"Fine. Let's talk about why we think they really extended their offer. None of us thinks it's out of kindness, right?" I said.

"Right. They would have offered to take us in before we settled down if they just wanted to help," Martin agreed.

"They want, or need, our land," Sam said.

"Do we know where they are located?" I asked, Not specific, as we aren't allies. But we know the general area," Finlay told me.

1/2 Chapter 24 2 Let's look it up on a satellite map, see if there is anything we can deduce from It," I suggested. Martin connected his laptop to the big screen on the wall and searched for the area Finlay gave him.

"Oh. Medow said as she saw it.

"That explains it," Sam agreed. The map showed an area of mostly grass plains with rocky terrain popping up like islands. The few trees in the area stood spread out. As we moved over the map, we found svillages and ssmaller cities, but nowhere did we see any forests or land that looked unoccupied by humans.

"It has to be difficult living there as a wolf," Finlay remarked.

"They have to be on the constant lookout for humans," Medow said, here was a lot of compassion in her voice. "They are looking for a way to get out of the situation," I concluded "Then we offer to take them in, under our current Alpha and our pack," Martin suggested. Both Finlay and I shook our heads.

"It won't work. We won't inherit their rank just because we take in their members. The only way to get the protection of their rank is for us to join them," Finlay explained.

Chapter Comments Stayz it's sweet to see how fond of her Finley is.. I really hope they end up together VIEW ALL 2 COMMENTS > 4 SHARE POST COMMENT 2/2 Gof Destiny Chapter 25-1 That sucks, Sam said.

"But won't it be a detergent? Martin asked.

"How do you mean?" Finlay wanted to know.

"If we take their pack into ours. Won't other packs know it and see it as us increasing in strength? Which would make them less likely to want to fight us," Martin explained.

"That is a good point, Finlay told him.

"But do we want these wolves in our pack?" I asked. Everyone looked at me. “I'm not saying we shouldn't be willing to help others. But I don't think we have explored their motives deep enough. Yes, we know they need new lan land. But why get it through merging with another pack?" "Because they are a decent pack and don't want to attack us?" Medow suggested.

"Sure. But why do they need another pack's land at all? They are a mid tear pack. According to them, they are a stable pack. they should have the finances to buy new land. If their pack is living on land like that, why don't they pool their resources, sell the land and get new land? When you left your old pack, you had non notice, no tto plan, and you managed, as a new pack, to buy this land. Heck, we have managed to save up so we can buy a couple of more acres in spring. How long have they lived on that land? How many years have they had to save up to move to a better place? I asked. There was silence around the table.

"You suspect there is trouble in their pack?" Finlay asked.

"I don't know. I just know that there is a reason why they are still on that piece of land. Until I know what that reason is I'm not comfortable letting them into our pack. And I will vote no on us joining them. My wolf won't accept a new Alpha," I told him. He chuckled.

"I should have expected as much," he said. "What about the rest of you?" "A definite no on us joining them. We have a good pack, a strong pack in so many ways. I'm not willing to risk us going back into a pack which doesn't have the right values. I'm open to letting them join us, but I agree said.

With Amie, we need more information," Marin "I agree. Not to join them. Maybe to them joining us," Sam agreed. Medow nodded.

"Maybe we can arrange a meeting and get to know them?" she suggested.

"That is a good idea," Finlay said. "I will call Alpha Jackson and turn his offer down but suggest we find another solution." Everyone agreed.

"Do you want to joinfor a beer?" Finlay asked, as everyone got ready to leave.

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"Sure," I said. I got the feeling he had something he wanted to talk about. "How about we get sdinner to go from the pack kitchen?" I suggested.

"Great idea, I heard we are having pizza today." "Pizza and beer, that's a good combo," I told him. We got our pizza from the kitchen and headed over to Finlay's house.

Take a seat on the couch," he toldas he put his pizza box on the coffee table. As I got comfortable, he lit the big fireplace and got us beer. From the windows of either side of the fireplace you could see his snow-covered garden and beyond that the brook. It 1/2 Chapter 25-1 was cosy sitting on the sofa with him, eating pizza and enjoying the ire and the view.

"What do you think will happen when I call the Rolling Hills Alpha Finlay asked as I had almost finished my pizza.

I put down the slice it was eating and took a moment to think about the question.

"It depends on what kind of Alpha he is. If his intentions with the offer are good, he will most likely understand and be open to an alliance. If he had an ulterior motive, he wouldn't be happy. "Nanswered. Finlay nodded.

Ite had a hard look on his face which didn't suit him. I liked the playful and relaxed look he had most of the time. Even when it was a mask. I could read him well enough that I didn't need his expression to showwhat mood he was in. Irritatingly enough, he was just as good at readingas I was at reading him. Chapter Comments Sfayz haha I knew she would mention her mama Sfayz ah poor Fin VIEW ALL 4 COMMENTS > 1 3 SHARE POST COMMENT 3 2 2/2 Gof Destiny Chapter 25-2 "Do you think he will try to force the issue?

Sartack? Maybe. If he is desperate enough. I'm guessing they are uncertain of how strong we are, or that they are weaker than they look.

Otherwise, they would have gone for that option from the start: offer risky is too The offer is too risky. They have to know that we won't just accept it," i thought out loud. "Or maybe it's justbeing a pessimist and they are really doing it out of the kindness of their heart. You know I like to prepare for the worst. I'm not really a happy happy, fluffy bunnies and unicorns that farts rainbows kind of a person." I told him. He burst out laughing and it madesmile. At least I could brighten his mood a little. *I needed that, thanks,” he said, still chuckling. Then he sighed and rned serious. “I think your are right to be on your guard. Something felt off with the call I had with him. He was too friendly, something with him rubbed my wolf the wrong way," he said.

"Trust your instinct, it's a good one. And I know you worry about the pack and about the threat we face because we aren't ranked. But don't let that guide you too much. We are a strong pack, and everyone in the pack is willing to take that risk because they believe in this pack and in you as it's Alpha. None of us would be here if we didn't," I told him.

"Thank you. I think I need to be reminded of that sometimes," he said. He put his feet on the coffee table. I was about to object when I remembered we were in his house. He leaned back into the couch and looked out the window. It had started snowing again.

"I will remind you when I think you O need to hear it. I just don't want it to go to your head," I told him and leaned back as well. I didn't put my feet on the table though. I knew my mother's spirit would take physical form and smackin the head if I even tried. Finlay chuckled softly. We sat on the couch, watching the snow drinking beer and enjoying the peace and quiet. "I should head back home," I said a couple of hours later. We had tto talk about less gloomy matters and play cards. "It's really coming down. I have a spare bedroom," he offered. I laughed and gave him a friendly shove.

"I think I will be okay walking ten feet," I said as I headed to the hallway to get my jacket.

"Fine. Just be careful." "I will. Thank you Finlay for a nice evening. It was fun," I told him.

"Thank you for keepingcompany and taking my mind off the call with the Alpha tomorrow." "No worries. If your mind gets out of control, just mindlink me. I have an astonishi am more than happy to recite to you if needed." pile of useless facts stored in my head that I "I will keep that in mind," he said as he held open the door. The snow was really coming down, but the few feet between Finlay's and the pack house was still easy to walk. As I reached the front door I felt myself being watched and turned around. I could barely see Finlay's silhouette in the doorway of his house.

Are you seriously watchingwalk ten feet?' I mindlinked him to ask.

'You can't be too careful. Sleep tight, red,' he linked back.

'You too, Alpha. See you tomorrow.' mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1 mmMwWLliIofifl0&1 mmMwWLlilofiflo&1