Gof Destiny Chapter 23-1 It was tfor the big hide and seek tournament and I could feel the excitement in the air, We had decided to make it into an all day event. The day started with the pups' competition. Anyone between a toddler and the age of fifteen got ten minutes to find their hiding spot in the forest. There were five starting points spread out over the pack land. The warriors of the pack had been of a real attack, there would enlisted as trackers. It was not an equal match, but the aim was to prepare for a future attack. In case who wasn't a warrior to have their turn. Then everyone would be no mercy. After the pup event, it was tfor anyone above fifteen who gather and have a BBQ before the highlight of the day. The warriors would hide and the five of us in the top tier would track them. I was at one of the starting points for the pups and watched as parent were giving advice before the pups would set off.
"Amie, are you going to be tracking me?" Cadence asked.
"You know she isn't, Mari, his older sister, told him.
"I have to save my strength for when I'm tracking the warriors," 1 to him.
"Okay. I'm going to be so good at this. My dad has toldeverything about how to find the best place to hide and mom toldhow to mask my scent," Cadence said.
"I know you will do great. You too Mari," I told them and they hurried over to the starting point.
“I think he has his eyes set on you," Finlay chuckled as he walked up to me.
"Who?" "Cadence, who else? Don't tellyou already have a horde of men courting you," he teased me.
"Con, he is six. And you have spent too much twith your aunt. There are no men coming after me," I said as I rolled my eyes.
"The little guy is playing the long game, you wait and see. The day he turns eighteen he will shou proclaim his undying love." "Givea break, he's a good little wolf. He will hold out for his mate," I said.
"Are you ready for the day?" Finlay asked, changing subjects.
"I am. I'm looking forward to it," I told him truthfully.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt.on your doorstep and out "Then we should get to the fun part," he said. "Everyone, get ready to start the first pup cup of hide and seek!" he then called and also sent in the pack mindlink to the other sites. "Are all the pups ready to go?" he asked and got a loud 'yes' from the pups around us, and the sreply via the mindlink. "You will have a ten minutes' head start. Ready! Set! Go!" The pups went crazy and set off in all directions. Sgiggling or screaming in excitement. Sof the older ones had a firm determination that toldthey were taking this seriously. We all stood waiting and listening as the ten minutes ticked by. "Warriors, get ready! Go!" Finlay called out and groups of warriors set off all over the pack land. It didn't take long until we heard the first giggling coming from the forest. A warrior was walking out of the trees with a young pup on his shoulders.
"She was hiding in a pile of leaves. I would have missed her if it weren't for the giggling," the warrior told her parents as they cto collect the still giggling little girl. No one could help but to smile as the warrior set off into the woods again and the girl excitedly told her parents about the twelve minutes they had been apart.
"So adorable," I told Finlay.
"Very," he agreed with a huge smile. He walked over to the family, talked a little to the girl and gave her a pat on the head, and then talked to the parents before returning. "I suggested straining on keeping quiet," he said.
1/2 Chapter 23-1 You did not," I said, laughings "Maybe not. But it's not bad idea." "You sighed.
might be right.
right. But it breaks my heart someone to explain to young why need they to stay quiet in of leaves." Finley a pile Chapter Comments 5 POST COMMENT NOW 1 < SHARE 2/2 Gof Destiny Chapter 23-2 "Yeah. I wish we could let the pups be pups. It's unfair to the pack that they need to suffer through this. We aren't a low-ranking pack, he agreed.
"It will be better after the games, they are only a little over five year away. We just need to hang in that long and train so we won't end up in the ssituation again." "Right." We kept looking as warriors brought back pups from all over the forest. Cadence was among the last to be brought back, and I walked over to congratulate him. Mari was the second to last to be found.
"It must run in the family. Well done," I said as she got a hug from her parents.
"Thank you. It was kind of fun and the tips mom and dad gave were really good," she told me.
"I'm looking forward to seeing you two in the next event,” I said to their parents. Sandra and Jake stuttered they would do their best. It took half an hour to reorganise everything and prepare for the grownups to get ready. Finlay sent them off and this tthere was no giggling. Everyone was focused.
"This will be interesting," Finlay said to me. I hummed in agreement as I watched the warrior get ready. When Finlay gave the go to start tracking they went off into the woods in hot pursuit. It took longer this tfor the first pack member to be found. As they all were adults, or at least teenagers, they made their way back to the starting point without a warrior to escort them. This made the warriors more effective, as they didn't need to stop. Half an hour later, only one pack member was unaccounted for. It was Jake, Cadence's dad.
"I'm impressed," I said to Finlay as tticked on without him being caught.
"I agree. Who knew?" "He works in the IT-department, right?" I asked.
"Yes, he's one of our best technicians. I didn't know he had hidden talents." "This might prove to be a useful exercise in more ways than one." "Never doubted it," Finlay said, and tried to ruffle my hair. I quickly ducked out of his reach.
"Hey, watch it, Alpha man. No one messes with the hair," I growled. Finlay burst out laughing.
"Did you just growl at me, red?" he asked. He sounded amused, so I knew he hadn't taken it the wrong way.
"You bet your ass I did. Don't mess with the hair. It's messy as it is. My uncle always messed with it, I hate it," I told him. He continued to chuckle, and I knew he had found a new way of teasing me. Truth be told, I didn't mind it as much as I pretended to. Sure, it was a pain in the ass to make it look decent after it had been messed with. But I liked the relaxed and friendly bickering the two of us had. I just needed to find sway I could retaliate if he managed to mess with my hair. I made a mental note to check with Martin and Sam. Finally, a warrior sent out a mindlink to say they had found Jake. A moment later, the warriors and Jake cback to the starting point. His family swamped Jake and he looked prouder than I had ever seen him. Finlay and I walked over to him. "Congratulations, that was impressive," Finlay told him and shook Jake's hand.
"Thank you, Alpha." "Good job keeping away from the warriors for so long. Care to share your secret to success?" I asked.
1/2 Chapter 23-2 It wasn't anything fancy, Jake said.
"He kept moving around and he is good at hiding his tracks. That made it challenging to find him,” Roland, the warrior, said. "When we thought we had tracked him down, he had moved on to the next spot. Tricky." Jake looked a little sheepish.
"It didn't say anything in the rules that you needed to stay in one spot," he defended himself.
"It didn't. Well spotted," Finlay said. He looked almost as pleased as and burgers waiting!" Finlay then called out and the pack all joined pack members cto congratulate him.
ake. "Let's all head back to the firepit. There will be hotdogs to eat. The mood was high and Jake got a lot of attention as Chapter Comments 05 POST COMMENT NOW Gof Destiny Chapter 23-3
"I was thinking we should talk to Take and see if he is open to do shide and seek training with the younger pups," I said to Finlay and Martin. They both looked up from their food.
"That is a good idea. The pups could use straining and Jake will be able to do it the right way for them to see it as fun," Martin agreed.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm"I like it. I will talk to him," Finlay said.
"I also think we should discuss if he should be considered for joining the games," I continued.
"I was thinking the same," Finlay told us.
"He thought outside the box. We should keep an eye on him during the pack trainings and Sam are Afterwesomea arranging," Martin said to med m nodded. After we had eaten, it was tfor the event that everyone was looking forward to. It was tfor the warriors to hide and us to find them. As Finlay, Martin, Sam, Medow and I gathered by the fire pit, the warriors got ready. This twe would start at the splace. "I don't know about this," Medow told me. She so nervous.
"It'll be fine. It's just for a bit of fun," I said.
I'm not sure I see the fun in this. What if I can't find a single one?" "You just stay with me, baby. We'll work as a team," Sam told her.
"What do you say, red? Want to team up?" Finlay asked.
"In your dreams. This is one of my favourite games. I'm going to find the most warriors of us all," I told him. The others laughed.
"You are on," Marin said.
"I'm the Alpha, you know I'll be the best," Finlay bragged. I just huffed.and my wolf we had in this. It was my first thaving a wolf during hide and seek and I felt my both in agreement, we would give all Weber 112k ? fused this game. It had been a favourite pastin my old pack, ont mirrored back from her. I hadn't good at it back then, despite not having a my wolf honing in on the prey, When it came, we
wolf. With my wolf helping me, I knew I would be hard to beat. The warriors set off and I could f which was rapidly disappearing into the forest. Tstood still as we both waited for the signal to give didn't hesitate. My wolf added her own speed to mine as we rushed forward. Her focus was on a scent both knew and we left the others behind as we followed it. I had always been quick on my feet and good at sneaking around. With the help of my wolf, these abilities beceven more pronounced. My wolf was a good tracker. It didn't take her long to track down the first warrior. To my satisfaction I was the first one to call out in the pack mindlink I had found a warrior. Finlay was only a minute behindand Medow was the next one. I found my second warrior before Martin and Sam had found their first. When all warriors had been found, Finlay and I had found the samount. He had found the last one and I agreed that made him the winner of our little game. "You have a talent for tracking. Sure you don't want to beca warrior?” Sam asked when we were all back eating dinner.
"I'm sure. I won't do well with training five days a week," I told him.
"If she beca warrior, who would I trick into helpingin the kitchen?" Medow said to her mate.
at the pack house, "Fine. Forget I asked," he said. The day had been fun, and it had given us the information we needed to improve the protection of the pack.
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